Friday, January 31, 2014

Thing 3: Utilities

There are a number of utilities I use on a regular basis. One new Apple feature is the Control Center. I love the way it gives me easy access to my camera,  my calculator, volume control, and flashlight. If I were in charge I would make this control center more flexible. For example, I would have choices so the user could put in whatever apps they choose. Perhaps this feature will be available on the iPad 6.

My favorite iPhone utility is the flashlight. I wish my iPad had one!  Another utility I use often is the weather app. I love being able to set a variety of locations; especially those I'm traveling to in the near future.

Not sure if this is a utility or not, but having the ability to take a screenshot of any page and save it to my camera roll is something I could not live without. I use a couple of different voice recording apps, but my favorite is iTalk. The interface is easy to use, the voice recordings can be transferred to a computer and saved, and you can email recordings as well.

You can learn more at or by going to the App Store. Italk is also an Android app.

I also love using the accessibility options on the iPad. Perhaps we'll talk about those later, but if not, suffice it to say that it's worth your time to go in and turn some of them on. You'll want the little microphone on your keyboard so you can speak your messages. You'll also want to be able to have the iPad read any highlighted text for you.

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