Sunday, March 2, 2014

Thing 15: Infographics

I love infographics, and find them to be really helpful in understanding information. Using the apps Infographics and info.Graphic on my iPad was a great way to locate infographics. There are so many wonderful ones here, so if you're looking for samples these apps can be very helpful.

I especially liked these two infographics on plagiarism, which is a topic I'm continually coming back to in my library:
This first one, a Magical Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism, comes from Kate Hart (at Kate is a young adult writer from Arkansas. 

And this one was created by EasyBib. I like the simplicity of it!

As far as creating infographics, (which is what I really want to be able to do - and have students do!) I am more frustrated. I've downloaded and tried every infographics app I can find and I really have not been able to locate one that is easy enough to create that it tells a good story. 

It is my belief that having students create an infographic would be a fantastic way of evaluating their understanding. In fact, I think it would be so good in social studies and English classes, especially, and would be a wonderful change from the typical PowerPoint presentation.

I found this incredible resource that would make creating an infographic assignment easy! It appears to have been created by Joyce Valenza - which makes total sense to me, since she is AWESOME! The libguide on infographics includes sample projects, creation tools, assessment rubrics, templates, and an amazing assortment of supporting resources. This is a site you will want to make note of if you are considering working with infographics. Thanks Joyce!!

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